
h a p p y • h o l i d a y s

Holidays can be extremely tough for many people. We often associate Christmas and holidays with happiness and joy, but for some, it's really hard to cope. The holidays can bring on depression and feelings of loneliness whether you are spending it alone or with a bunch of people. ••• Just remember: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you are feeling down and need help, reach out to family and friends. If you don't feel comfortable talking with them, there are a bunch of amazing services that you can use to talk to people who can help. It's important for you to...

a c • m a r k e t

a c • m a r k e t

h e l l o • e v e r y o n e 

Tomorrow cure(d)2 will be at Algonquin College for an event called the AC Market! We are stationed in E Building outside the Connections Bookstore. We are releasing 5 new products; cure(d)2 hoodie, cure(d)2 crewneck, cure(d)2 beanie, cure(d)2 body con dress, and cure(d)2 tanks. Product images will be posted on the Cured2 Facebook page tomorrow morning! New products will be available in our online store on Saturday, December 13, 2015. Come by and check us out! 

All products are offered at a discounted rate...



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