
m e n t a l • i l l n e s s

i • j u m p e d • o f f • t h e • 
g o l d e n • g a t e • b r i d g e

Here is a quote that I find to be truly inspiring to anyone who is suffering or knows someone who is suffering from mental health and / or addiction issues. Sometimes people can't understand what they can't see, feel, or experience. It's stories like this that we share with one another that helps us to empathize with situations that we may not understand. Knowledge is power. It's...

y o u • a r e • f i n e

"Stop worrying and stop being sad, you're fine." To which I replied - in my head:

As if I'm being hit, 
square in the face 
with a giant shovel.
Physical pain, 
it's nothing 
compared to 
what's going on in my head. 
There's no escaping 
this feeling 
of defeat 
and helplessness. 
The smallest of things, 
become the biggest of problems. 
And by problem, 
I mean 
the world is crashing down on me. 
I feel like 
the world is flat, 
and I'm trying 
to balance on the edge of it. 
Doing everything 
in my power 
to not lean forwards. 
I make a few calls. 
No one is answering. 
I've become such a burden. 
Trying to get by 
is taking its toll. 
I feel like 
I took a step forward 
off the edge...

t h a n k • y o u • e v e r y o n e

t h a n k • y o u • e v e r y o n e

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w i n t e r • b l u e s

Sometimes I find myself feeling down in the winter season but I find that painting helps cure me. This guy has found a cure for his February blues in dancing.

There's always a cure.. What's yours?

Comment below on what helps you cope on your down days.


p a n i c • a n x i e t y • s t r e s s • s u p p o r t

P A S S • K I T
Check it out!



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